The NBA shutdown turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as I’ve been able to make some significant progress on the roster.
It’s been a long time, but the third episode of Making a Mod: NBA 2K11 Current Roster is out now! The series chronicles the process of creating a current roster update for NBA 2K11 PC, while also providing status reports on the project. Of course, being a great game for its time doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s still the benchmark, which raises a few questions: just how good is NBA 2K11, and how well does it hold up? What makes it so special that a vocal contingent of basketball gamers opine that no game since has been able to top it? They’re pertinent questions for an NBA 2K11 retrospective to explore, so let’s take a look back…way back… Like NBA Live 2000 before it, it’s managed to hold a special place in our hearts long past its release, because it was such a great game for its time.

It doesn’t feel like a whole decade has gone by since basketball gamers were sinking their teeth into a title that many still consider to be one of the best (if not the best) hoops games ever made. Before we get to that though, the fact that ten years have passed since the release of NBA 2K11 is, for me at least, mind-blowing. Monday marked the tenth anniversary of NBA 2K11, so I feel a retrospective is only appropriate. This week, I’m taking a look back at NBA 2K11 with a tenth anniversary retrospective. You’ll also find old NLSC editorials re-published with added commentary, and other flashback content. Check in every Wednesday for retrospectives and other features on older versions of NBA Live, NBA 2K, and old school basketball video games in general. This is Wayback Wednesday, your midweek blast from the past! In this feature, we dig into the archives, look back at the history of basketball gaming, and indulge in some nostalgia.